Aug. 31, 2023
Chipola College’s Take Stock in Children (TSIC) program has garnered the Take Stock Luminary Award and Gold Level of Excellence again
Chipola College is hosting an ACT Prep Workshop on Saturday, October 14th
Aug. 17, 2023
Chipola College Theatre will host open auditions for Barefoot in the Park on Aug. 24 at 6 p.m. in the Center for the Arts.
Aug. 24, 2023
University of West Florida Recruiter is coming to Visit Chipola College
Employees of Chipola College were recognized for years of service during the first staff meeting of the school year on August 14.
The Alzheimer's Association Brain Bus will be coming to Chipola College in September
Donate Halloween candy for Chipola's Trunk or Treat
Chipola College Recognizes New Hires