Chipola Foundation Scholarships Available

Updated: Nov. 18, 2021
The Chipola Foundation is accepting applications for several scholarships for the Spring 2022 semester.
McLendon Educational Trust Scholarship applications are still available. Applications will be accepted until funds are depleted. Only one McLendon Educational Trust Scholarship award will be made per student for Spring 2022.
The First Generation in College Scholarship is a need-based scholarship for Florida residents. The student must demonstrate financial need and come from a family where neither parent has earned a bachelor’s degree. Students must enroll as an undergraduate, degree-seeking student for a minimum of six hours per term. Several partial scholarships may be awarded.
The Edward K. Roberts Scholarship will award multiple partial tuition and/or books/educational expenses scholarships. Preference will be given to low income, part-time students who may not qualify for other financial aid and to students who are parents, married or single.
The Florida Blue Nursing and Allied Health Scholarship is a need-based scholarship available to Florida residents enrolled in one of the following programs: Nursing Assistant, Practical Nurse, Associate Degree Nurse, Baccalaureate Degree Nurse, Emergency Medical Technician or Paramedic. Approximately 10 partial scholarships will be awarded.
The Sydney Holland Memorial Nursing Scholarship is available for students enrolled in the Chipola RN program or accepted into the RN program. Applications should be mailed by Nov. 17 to: Sydney Holland Memorial Nursing Scholarship Committee, 3482 Live Oak Lane, Marianna, FL 32446. Completed applications for the McLendon, First Generation, Edward K. Roberts, and Florida Blue Nursing and Allied Health Scholarships may be submitted in person at the Foundation office or mailed to Chipola College Foundation, 3094 Indian Circle, Marianna, FL 32446 by Nov. 17.
For information about Foundation Scholarships, call 718-2404 or visit to see the lists of Foundation Scholarships and Other Scholarships.