Annual Security Report

2024 Annual Security Report

The Clery Act requires most colleges and universities including Chipola College to publish an annual report on safety and security issues. This report contains statistics for the previous three years of reported crimes that occurred on college property owned or controlled by Chipola College and on public property immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. The report also includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as the policies concerning alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, sexual assault, and other matters. As indicated by the statistics, Chipola College is an exceptionally safe environment for both students and employees. Maintaining this positive trend is a continuing high priority for the College.

Chipola College maintains campus security through an agreement with the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department. College facilities fall within the jurisdiction of local law enforcement officials and any criminal activity occurring on campus is referred to campus security and/or local law enforcement officials for investigation and prosecution.


Chipola College maintains a daily crime log that contains specified information about any Clery Act related crimes that were discovered or reported to the Security Department. The college must make the crime log open to public inspection. The daily log is maintained by Security and is available for review. Crime statistics for the past three years are provided at the end of this report. The Associate Vice President of Student Affairs at Chipola College prepares this annual report to ensure that the college community is informed and also to comply with the Jeanne Clery Act requirements. The report is intended to provide disclosure of College security policy and crime statistics for the past three years.  This report on crimes committed or reported is prepared in cooperation and with input of local law enforcement departments. All crime reports are given to the head of security at Chipola College who is a member of the local law enforcement; head of security provides these reports to the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs.  Campus crime and arrest reports include those reported to the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs as well as to designated campus officials. Each year notification is given to all enrolled students via student e-mail accounts, the College Catalog, Orientation classes and online. Faculty and staff receive similar notification through yearly and monthly faculty/staff meetings as well as E-mail accounts. A copy of this report may also be obtained in the Office of the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and on the Student Affair’s website through Student’s Right to Know.


In the event that a crime or situation occurs either on or off campus that poses a threat to the college community, a timely warning will be issued by the Associate Vice President of Information Systems in conjunction with Security. Warnings and alerts can be activated in a number of ways:

  • The college has a siren system for alerting the main campus and surrounding community of situations requiring mass notification.
  • Alerts and warnings will be posted on the Chipola College website home page when appropriate.
  • Alerts and warnings will be sent via college e-mail system to all students, faculty, and staff when appropriate.
  • Alerts and warnings will be sent to a service of IP Speakers located throughout campus buildings.
  • Alerts and warnings will be sent to all network attached computers on campus using a product called Net Support Notify.
  • Alerts and warnings will be sent via campus-wide voice message which is delivered to all voicemail boxes on campus.


An evacuation drill is coordinated by Campus Safety during each academic school year for all buildings on the College campus. The emergency response and evacuation procedures are tested yearly. Students learn the locations of the emergency exits in the buildings and are provided guidance about the direction they should travel when exiting each facility for a short-term building evacuation.

The purpose of evacuation drills is to prepare building occupants for an organized evacuation in case of an emergency. At Chipola College, evacuation drills are used as a way to educate and train occupants on issues specific to their building. During the drill, occupants 'practice' drill procedures and familiarize themselves with the location of exits and the sound of the fire alarm. In addition to educating the occupants of each building about the evacuation procedures during the drills, the process also provides the College an opportunity to test the operation of fire alarm system components.

Evacuation drills are monitored by Campus Safety to evaluate egress and behavioral patterns. A report is prepared which identifies deficient equipment so that repairs can be made immediately. Recommendations for improvements are also submitted to the appropriate departments/offices for consideration.

Campus Safety has evacuation and shelter-in-place instructions published on its website. In addition, students receive information about evacuation and shelter-in-place procedures during the fall quarter. Chipola College Campus Safety will complete a summary of its emergency response and evacuation procedures in conjunction with at least one drill or exercise each calendar year.


In the event of a significant threat to the safety or health of the college community, Chipola College will immediately notify the community of the threat and give direction for the response to the threat as noted by the methods listed in the “TIMELY WARNINGS” section above. These emergency notifications will be authorized by the President or the President’s designee.


It is important for Chipola College to provide a safe and secure campus for the benefit of every person using it. The college provides a basic security service; however, security must be every-one’s concern and students and staff are encouraged to support the campus security staff in this effort. Security Officers patrol the campus from 6:00 a.m. through 10:30 p.m. Monday thru Friday and most of Saturday, depending on activities. Students and staff are encouraged to report any suspicious behavior on campus to Security, located in the Public Service Building, no matter how minor it may appear. After making a report, Security will advise as to what to do next. Vigilance and prompt reporting helps prevent incidents. The security of the College community’s property is everyone’s business. It may be through direct involvement or by observation only; reporting an incident will have a positive impact on everyone’s safety and security. Of course, if the crime is very serious or resulted in physical harm and the need for law enforcement action is obvious; call 911 or 7-911 from a landline phone on campus. Then, call Security. Chipola College operates no off- campus housing or off-campus student organization facilities.


The Chipola College Security Department encourages anyone who is the victim of or witness to any crime to promptly report the incident to the police and Security. Because college reports are public records, the College cannot hold reports of crime in confidence.


Chipola College is an open campus and during business hours, the College will be open to students, faculty, staff, and members of the public. During non-business hours, access to our College facilities is by issued keys. As much as possible, in concern for the safety and security of our students; students are not provided access to classrooms, labs, etc. unless a responsible faculty or staff member is present to take charge. In the case of an emergency closing, the College will only admit those persons who have prior approval. Additionally, Security discourages the occupancy of a single or sole employee for extended periods of time after hours and especially when there is no Security presence on the campus.


Chipola College Security Officers have the authority to ask persons for identification and to determine whether the individuals have lawful business at Chipola College. Security Officers have the authority to issue parking violations to students, faculty, and staff. Security Officers, who are members of local law enforcement, do possess arrest power. All crime victims and witnesses are strongly encouraged to immediately report the crime to campus Security and/or to the appropriate law enforcement agency.


All reports will be investigated. Chipola College does not have procedures for voluntary, confidential reporting of crime statistics. Violations of the law will be referred to Campus Security or local law enforcement agencies. When a potentially dangerous threat to the college community arises, timely warnings will be issued by College web page announcement, siren and speaker system, e-mail, in-class announcements, or other appropriate means.


Periodically throughout the academic year, a safety and security awareness presentation coordinated by the College Public Service Department, is given to staff and faculty groups on our campus. In addition, the College has made available to employees and supervisors, courses and training related to nonviolent workplace issues and intervention. This presentation is scheduled through the Public Service Department. A common theme of all Chipola College awareness and crime prevention programs is to encourage students and employees to be aware of their responsibility for their own security and the security of others.

The Social and Behavioral Science Department of Chipola College along with the Jackson County Health Department, hosted the Mental Health & Substance Abuse Symposium on the Chipola College campus.



In compliance with Board Rule 4.280 and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendment of 1989, Chipola College:

  • Prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by all students and employees;
  • Enforces sanctions, including those applicable under local, state, and federal law, for unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs or alcohol, including but not limited to suspension, expulsion, termination of employment, and referral for prosecution which may result in arrest, appropriate fines, and imprisonment;
  • Believes that there are many detrimental health risks associated with the use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol, including but not limited to psychological and physical addiction, insomnia, disorientation, depression, hallucinations, hypertension, increased anxiety and paranoia, damage to unborn babies, convulsions, cancer, psychosis, respiratory failure, brain damage, and death; Reminds students that by registering at Chipola, they assume the responsibility of becoming familiar with and abiding by the regulations and rules of conduct of the college;
  • Encourages anyone with a drug or alcohol problem to seek help at one of the local agencies.



The District Board does not tolerate any form of sexual harassment by its students, employees, applicants for admission and employment, and persons doing business with Chipola College (Board Rule 4.420). Complaints of any form of sexual harassment should be reported immediately. Students, employees and third parties are encouraged to promptly report complaints of sexual harassment to the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs or the Associate Vice President of Human Resources at 850-718-2205. College Orientation encourages students to be aware of their surroundings and reviews the currently known date rape drugs.

 The District Board strictly maintains that the criminal act of sexual battery, as defined by Florida Statutes 794.011 will not be allowed. For this reason all such incidents on College property or in connection with the college, whether on or off campus, shall be reported to the appropriate person as noted in Board Policy 4.420. Violation, whether by a student or employee, will be subject to disciplinary action by the college under student disciplinary and employee disciplinary rules and procedures with penalties up to and including expulsion or employment termination.

Victims or witnesses of sexual battery shall immediately contact local law enforcement authorities. Immediate reporting is stressed since delays may jeopardize the collecting of evidence. Employees who are either victims or witnesses shall report the incident to the office of the Associate Vice President of Human Resources. Students who are either victims or witnesses shall contact the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs. Any student or employee learning of a sexual battery incident in connection with a college sponsored or college related function, whether on or off campus, shall report the incident to the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs.



Federal and State laws require a person designated as a sexual predator or offender to register with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). FDLE is then required to provide notification to the local law enforcement agency of where the registrant resides. If the registrant is enrolled, employed, or carrying on a vocation at Chipola College, FDLE must also provide the local law enforcement agency with that information. The Associate Vice President of Student Affairs maintains information on sexual predators or offenders at Chipola College. In addition, information may be obtained through local law enforcement agencies, or by calling the FDLE  (1-888-352-7233), or visiting the FDLE website at:


Missing Persons

Upon receipt of a report of a missing person, the Campus Security will conduct a thorough and timely investigation to determine the safety and current location of the person. If the missing person is a student, Campus Security will contact and help coordinate the investigation with the Marianna Police Department within 24 hours after the student is determined missing.

Students must provide an emergency contact at time of admission application. Once it is determined that the student has been missing for a period of no more than 24 hours, the Campus Security will notify the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs and the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs will notify the emergency contact within 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing. A student's emergency contact information will be accessible only to authorized campus officials and law enforcement as appropriate.

An individual will be considered missing if a roommate, classmate, faculty member, family member, or other campus person has not seen the person in a reasonable amount of time. A reasonable amount of time may vary with the time of day and information available regarding the missing person's daily schedule, habits, punctuality, and reliability. Individuals will also be considered missing immediately, if their absence has occurred under circumstances that are suspicious or cause concerns for their safety. If the initial report that a person is missing is made to a department other than the Campus Security, the staff member receiving the report will ensure that Campus Security is contacted immediately.

Sexual Harassment / Violence Against Women Act Policy Statement  

Chipola College does not discriminate on the basis of sex in its educational programs. Sexual harassment and sexual violence are considered to be types of sex discrimination. Other acts can also be forms of sex-based discrimination, and are also prohibited whether sexually based or not. These other acts include dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking. Chipola College issues this statement of policy to inform the community of our comprehensive plan addressing sexual misconduct, educational programs, and procedures that address sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. This policy applies whether those acts occur on or off campus and when it is reported to a Campus Security Authority. In this context, Chipola College prohibits the offenses of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking and reaffirms its commitment to maintain a campus environment emphasizing the dignity and worth of all members of the College community.

Violence Against Women Act / Sexual Assault Definitions

“Rape” is now inclusive of sexual assault, sexual assault with an object, and forcible sodomy and can be perpetrated against both women and men.

is defined by Merriam Webster as: 1.To give assent or approval, agree. 2. To be in concord in opinion or sentiment.

In Florida, consent as it relates to sexual assaults is evaluated on several factors. Victims cannot give consent if: Victim under 16; victim incapacity (victim is mentally incapable– a mental disease or defect makes the victim incapable of understanding the nature of his/her conduct); mentally incapacitated–(victim is temporarily incapable of appraising or controlling his/her conduct due to the influence of a narcotic, anesthetic or other substance administered without consent or due to any other act committed upon the victim without consent); and/or physically helpless (victim is unconscious, asleep, or for any other reason physically unable to communicate unwillingness to act); assailant uses force or coercion.

Sexual Assault
: Means an offense classified as a forcible or non-forcible sex offense under the Uniform Crime Reporting System of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

In Florida Criminal Sexual Assaults are defined as: sexual penetration or sexual contact with a person without their consent, or with someone who is incapable of giving consent.

: The carnal knowledge of a person, forcibly and/or against the person’s will; or not forcibly or against the person’s will where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her youth or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity.

: Oral or anal sexual intercourse with another person, forcibly and/or against that person’s will; or not forcibly or against the person’s will where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her youth or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity.

Sexual Assault With An Object
: The use of an object or instrument to unlawfully penetrate, however slightly, the genital or anal opening of the body of another person, forcibly and/or against that person’s will; or not forcibly or against the person’s will where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her youth or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity.

Forcible Fondling
: The touching of the private body parts of another person for the purpose of sexual gratification, forcibly and/or against that person’s will; or not forcibly or against the person’s will where the victim is incapable of giving consent because of his/her youth or because of his/her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity.

: Non-forcible sexual intercourse between persons who are related to each other within the degrees wherein marriage is prohibited by law.

Statutory Rape
: Non-forcible sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent.

Domestic Violence
: Includes felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence committed by a current or former spouse of the victim, by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common, by a person cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse, or by any person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction.

In Florida Domestic Violence means the occurrence of any of the following acts by a person that is not an act of self-defense: Causing or attempting to cause physical or mental harm to a family or household member, placing a family or household member in fear of physical or mental harm, causing or attempting to cause a family or household member to engage in involuntary sexual activity by force, threat of force, or duress, engaging in activity toward a family or household member that would cause a reasonable person to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested. Family or household member includes any of the following: spouse or former spouse, an individual with whom the person resides or has resided, an individual with whom the person has or has had a dating relationship, an individual with whom the person is or has engaged in a sexual relationship, an individual to whom the person is related or was formerly related by marriage, an individual with whom the person has a child in common.

Dating Violence
: Means violence committed by a person (a) who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim; and (b) where the existence of such a relationship will be determined based on a consideration of the following factors: (i) The length of the relationship, (ii) The type of relationship, (iii) The frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.

In Florida Dating Violence is violence when a person is in a dating relationship with someone. Dating relationship means frequent, intimate associations primarily characterized by the expectation of affectional involvement. Dating relationship does not include a casual relationship or an ordinary fraternization between 2 individuals in a business or social context.

: Means engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to (a) fear for his or her safety or the safety of others; or (b) suffer substantial emotional distress.

In Florida Stalking means a willful course of conduct involving repeated or continuing harassment of another individual that would cause a reasonable person to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested and that causes the victim to feel terrorized, frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested.

Violence Against Women Act / Sexual Assault Education and Prevention Programs

Effective October 1, 2014, the College engages in comprehensive educational programming to prevent domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. Educational programming consists of primary prevention and awareness programs for all incoming students and new employees and ongoing awareness and prevention campaigns for students and faculty that:


  • Identifies domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking as prohibited conduct;
  • Defines what behavior constitutes domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking;
  • Defines what behavior and actions constitute consent to sexual activity in the State of Florida;
  • Provides safe and positive options for bystander intervention that may be carried out by an individual to prevent harm or intervene when there is a risk of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking against a person other than the bystander;
  • Provides information on risk reduction so that students and employees may recognize warning signs of abusive behavior and how to avoid potential attacks;
  • Provides an overview of information contained in the Annual Security Report in compliance with the Clery Act.


The College has developed an annual education campaign consisting of presentations that include distribution of educational materials to new students at orientation sessions (fall and spring). In addition, employees and faculty receive information and materials during new employee orientation programs (fall and spring), and Campus Safety offers educational programs to all faculty, staff and students throughout the year.  

Violence Against Women Act: Procedures Victims Should Follow If Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence or Stalking Has Occurred

  • Immediate Safety and Support/Importance of Preserving Evidence
  • Go to a safe place – a friend’s house or anywhere you will feel safe
  • Call someone you trust. No matter how late it is, you shouldn’t be alone.
  • If safety is an immediate concern  - call 911.
  • Pursue medical treatment. Any individual who may be experiencing or has experienced sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking or related retaliation is encouraged to immediately seek any necessary medical care and to seek help from law enforcement and/or medical personnel, even if the individual is uncertain about whether to ultimately pursue a complaint or criminal charges, or to seek a protective order. Local emergency rooms can perform post-assault medical care. Most hospitals have specialized examiners who complete exams for victims of sexual violence. These exams can help victims receive appropriate medical assessment and treatment, and can preserve evidence for possible future action.
  • Preserve evidence. It is important for individuals to preserve all possible evidence in case they decide at some point to make a criminal complaint or to seek a protective order. Therefore, if at all possible, refrain from changing clothes, showering or otherwise changing the physical state after an incident, until after consulting with medical personnel about how to best preserve evidence. Also keep copies of emails, text messages, and voice messages that may have some bearing on the incident(s).

Making a Report On Campus

Any College faculty member or staff member who has reasonable cause to believe that sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and/or related retaliation has occurred or is occurring should report this information to the immediate attention of the Associate Vice President of Human Resources or the Associate Vice President of Student Affairs. Reports also may be made to Campus Security – the Jackson County Sheriff Department. Chipola College will coordinate its response to the report with other officials, as appropriate and, if necessary, law enforcement, to intervene at the earliest practical point to stop the behavior and coordinate services to the complainant.

Services and Accommodations

These may include but are not limited to:

  • No Contact Orders restricting encounters and communications between the parties;
  • Academic accommodations, including but not limited to deadline extensions incompletes, course changes or late drops, or other arrangements as appropriate;
  • Residential accommodations, including but not limited to arranging for new housing, or providing temporary housing options, as appropriate;
  • Changing working arrangements or providing other employment accommodations, as appropriate;
  • Assisting the individual in accessing support services, including, as available,       academic support, counseling, disability, or mental health services,
  • Informing the individual of the right to report a crime to local law enforcement

Chipola College personnel will identify appropriate options and work with complainants to determine whether these services or accommodations are reasonably available and necessary in a particular case. Chipola College encourages individuals to report incidents of sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and related retaliation so that they can get the support they need, and so that Chipola College can respond appropriately. Although strict confidentiality may therefore not be guaranteed for non-confidential employees, in all cases Chipola College will handle information in a sensitive manner and will endeavor to protect the privacy of individuals to the extent it can do so consistent with its obligations to respond to reports of sexual misconduct, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking and/or related retaliation. For more information on VAWA, see Violence Against Women Act.

Reporting to Law Enforcement

In addition, any student, employee or covered third party may and should also pursue criminal charges with local, state, or federal law enforcement agencies. Chipola College will offer and upon request provide assistance to students, employees and covered third parties in contacting law enforcement agencies. These options are available regardless of whether an individual chooses to file a complaint with Chipola College. Individuals may choose to notify such agencies with or without assistance from Chipola College, or may choose not to notify such authorities.


This Annual Security Report is a requirement and we take satisfaction in the minimal number of reported crimes; however, we willingly seek the challenge of assuring a safe and secure atmosphere for our students, employees, and persons who may visit our college. We attempt to accomplish this by providing ample security, emergency notification, reporting procedures, and timely response to issues that might arise. Additionally, the planning of new facilities and remodeling always include the aspects of safety and security in design and function. This is obvious by the continuing growth of lighted walkways and parking areas, and the serious nature to which we approach the individual and overall discussion of security topics. As we review the statistical tables for our college we are not satisfied with the significant number of “zeros” found in most of the categories shown; our goal will always be to provide the safest environment possible for our college community and reduce all responses to zero. As we strive to achieve this goal, we feel somewhat confident that our college community is very safe and therefore able to enjoy the experience of being at Chipola College.

Fire Report

There were no reported fires in any on-campus student housing facilities for 2023.

Crime Statistics

The annual campus security report contains campus crime statistics for years 2021, 2022, and 2023. Statistics concern criminal offenses as reported to campus security or local police agencies. Additional information can be found at OPE Campus Security Statistics website brought to you by the U.S Department of Education. In addition, Chipola College maintains a Crime Log in Student Services Office, A-107. The Crime Log contains crimes and investigated incidents of the Jackson County Sheriff's Office on Chipola College campus.


Offense                          Number of Offenses Reported
  2021 2022 2023
Murder/Non-negligent Manslaughter  0 0 0
Forcible Sex Offenses   0 0 0
Nonforcible Sex Offenses 0 0 0
Robbery   0 0 0
Aggravated Assault   0 0 0
Burglary 0 0 0
Motor Vehicle Theft 0 0 0
Arson 0 0 0
Negligent Manslaughter 0 0 0