Spring 2021 Registration

Registration for Spring 2021 begins Monday, Jan. 4 and continues through Jan. 12. Classes begin Jan. 7.
Students may contact an advisor by phone or email, or make an appointment for a face-to-face advising session.
Advisors include: Karen Hall, hallk@chipola.edu, 850-718-2424; Ken Kallies, kalliesk@chipola.edu, 850-718-2437; Leigh Whittington, whittingtonl@chipola.edu, 850-718-2290; Kristi Mosley, mosleyk@chipola.edu, 850-718-2417 and Ashley Harvey, harveya@chipola.edu, 850-718-2417.
Chipola offers Bachelor’s degrees, Associate in Arts degrees, Associate in Science degrees and Workforce Development programs and certifications.
For information, contact: Admissions, admissions@chipola.edu, 850-718-2211; Business, businessoffice@chipola.edu, 850-718-2220; Financial Aid, financialaid@chipola.edu, 850-718-2366; or Testing, testingcenter@chipola.edu, 850-718-2284.