Spring 2021 Registration

Early Registration for Spring 2021 classes at Chipola College will continue through Dec. 17. Students may contact an advisor by phone or email, or make an appointment for a face-to-face advising session.
Online registration will continue during the Christmas Break.
Registration with an advisor will resume on Monday, Jan. 4 and continue through Jan. 12. Advisors include: Karen Hall, hallk@chipola.edu, 850-718-2424; Ken Kallies, kalliesk@chipola.edu, 850-718-2437; Leigh Whittington, whittingtonl@chipola.edu, 850-718-2290; Kristi Mosley, mosleyk@chipola.edu, 850-718-2417 and Ashley Harvey, harveya@chipola.edu, 850-718-2417.