Register now for Term ‘C’ classes at Chipola

Registration for Fall Term ‘C’ classes at Chipola College runs through Oct. 16. Classes begin Oct. 19, with late registration continuing Oct. 19-20. Classes meet Oct. 19 through Dec. 15.
New students are encouraged to make application to the college and register as soon as possible. Currently enrolled students may add Term C classes to their schedule.
Term C courses include six general education courses in the Associate in Arts Degree: (ENL 2022) Survey of English Literature II (Face-to-Face), (CGS 1060) Introduction to Microcomputer Use (Online), (DEP 2004) Human Growth & Development (Online), (MUL 2010) Music Appreciation (Online), (SLS 1101) Orientation (Online), (THE 1000) Theatre Appreciation (Online).
Five bachelor’s degree courses are offered in Business and Technology: (ACG 4930) Selected Topics In Accounting (Online), (ACG 4940) Accounting Internship, (GEB 4930) Selected Topics In Business (Online), (GEB 4940) Business Internship, (ISM 4930) Select Topics in Info Systems Management (Online).
Five upper level Education courses include: (RED 3311) Teaching Reading Intermediate Grade (Online, Synchronous), (RED 3360) Teaching Reading Middle/Sec Schools (Online), (RED 4519) Diagnostic/Instructional Interventions Reading, (RED 4519) Diagnostic/Instructional Interventions Reading (Online), (TSL 4081) TESOL Issues & Practices (Online).
One specialized Fine Arts course is available: (TPA 1201) Introduction to Theatre Production, (Online).
Chipola's open-door policy guarantees acceptance to any student with a standard high school diploma or its equivalent. Prospective students should complete a college application online at Students also must provide an official high school and college transcript. Students should visit an academic advisor in the Student Services building to register.
For information about enrolling at Chipola, call the Admission and Records office at 850-718-2311, or visit