Landon Garcia Memorial Scholarship Established at Chipola College

The family of Landon Garcia established a scholarship in his memory through the Chipola College Foundation. The scholarship will be awarded for the first time in June 2023 and applications will be available beginning in March 2023. The scholarship will be awarded to a student that is a graduate of a Jackson County high school that was a member of either the boys or girls high school soccer team. The scholarship recipient can be planning to pursue an academic or workforce development program of study at Chipola College. Anyone wishing to make a memorial contribution to the scholarship can mail or drop off the contribution to the Chipola College Foundation, 3094 Indian Circle, Marianna, FL 32446, or donations may be made online on the website under the page for the Chipola College Foundation.
For more information contact the Chipola College Foundation (850) 718-2404.
The family of Landon Garcia met at Chipola College’s Foundation office to establish a scholarhip in Landon’s honor. From left: Jorge Garcia, Julie Fuqua, Chipola College Director of Foundation, Cheryl Robinson, Ricky K. Robinson, June Garcia, Marc Garcia, Necia Brock and Mason Brock.