Fall 2020 Bookstore Operations

The Chipola Bookstore is now open to students, with a limited number of customers allowed in the store at a time. Students are encouraged to order textbooks online at https://chipolacc.bncollege.com/shop/chipola/page/find-textbooks.
Hours of operation the week of August 24 are Monday (8-6) and Tuesday through Friday (8-4). For the week of August 31, the bookstore is open Monday through Thursday (8-4) and Friday (8-1).
Self-pay students can find required course books and materials and order directly online at https://chipolacc.bncollege.com/shop/chipola/page/find-textbooks and have them shipped directly to their house using a personal credit card or PayPal account. Shipping is free for orders of $25 or more.
Financial aid (Pell and Bright Futures) students receiving financial aid awards will be notified through their Chipola email account when book allowances have been applied and are available for use. For students registered during early registration, book allowances will begin August 10th or the day after the student registers for classes and has aid awarded. Students using Financial Aid can find required course books and materials and order directly online at https://chipolacc.bncollege.com/shop/chipola/page/find-textbooks and have them shipped directly to their house using Financial Aid funds. At the checkout process, financial aid students select the “Financial Aid” box to indicate payment type. Students are required to enter name on student account and student ID number at checkout.
Chipola Foundation Scholarship Students—After confirming that you will not be dropping or adding any classes and your registration is charged to your Chipola Foundation scholarship on MyChipola, students with remaining scholarship dollars may use Foundation funds for books. Students must send an email to request an electronic book voucher to Oliverg@chipola.edu . In the email, request that Foundation staff send a book voucher to the Chipola Bookstore electronically and provide your name and Chipola student number. For email requests that are received in the foundation office, students can begin accessing the scholarship funds at Barnes and Noble either online or in person at the Bookstore. Plan for a minimum of two business days lead time before the information will appear in the bookstore accounting system. With the electronic book voucher, students can order books online at https://chipolacc.bncollege.com/shop/chipola/home
For questions regarding this process you may email oliverg@chipola.edu or call the Foundation office, 850-718-2404.
Dual enrolled and early admit students should coordinate with their high school guidance counselor to order books or obtain a textbook authorization for fall courses.
Athletic scholarship students should coordinate with their coach to have the appropriate book authorization sent to the bookstore.