Dennis Kosciw Wins Chipola Faculty/Admin of Year Award

Dennis Kosciw, Director of Facilities and Campus Operations, has been named the Faculty/Administrator/Other Professional of the Year for 2021-22 at Chipola College. Kosciw received his award at Chipola’s 2022 End of the Year BBQ to a standing ovation from his peers.
Kosciw has worked at Chipola since 1998 in the maintenance department at Chipola and was promoted to his current position to lead the maintenance team in December of 2019. Dennis is well known on the Chipola campus for going above and beyond to get the job done!
Kosciw is responsible for all the campus facilities and handles numerous requests whether it be routine maintenance or special events. He regularly attends college-related, after hour events in case a facilities issue needs to be addressed or just to support the college. Dennis is a team player ready to help wherever he can on campus and is often on-hand at athletic and fine arts events, even working the concessions at basketball games to help raise funds for AFC Scholarships.
A colleague who nominated him for the award, said, “Dennis treats everyone fairly while making sure our facilities are the best they can be. Dennis has the respect of those who work under his supervision and from those who rely on his department’s services.”
Dennis Kosciw’s daughter, Kaitlyn, is a 2017 graduate of Chipola College.
The Faculty/Administrator/Other Professional of the Year award provides a $1,000 bonus, and a $100 gift certificate from the College Book Store reserved parking for a year. The award is selected from among the monthly winners.