Costume Designer Burchette Speaks To Chipola Tech Students

Costume Designer Kenan Burchette recently offered a workshop to Chipola College Technical Theatre students on costume creation. Here, Burchette shows Chipola students (L-R) Lucille Sloan, Burchette, Anzli Laurel and James Kidd how to properly thread a sewing machine. Burchette spoke to the TPA 1274 Stage Properties class on “Sewing Techniques for Stage Properties.” He introduced students to the various sewing machines and taught basic sewing techniques.
Burchette is currently employed as a Costume Ship Lead for Norwegian Cruise Line where he manages half of the Norwegian fleet entertainment costumes and works with Wardrobe Supervisors in the preparation of costumes before sending them to the ships. He is tasked with maintaining the integrity of each design and the consistency of the costumes for every show and every time they are performed. Burchette earned his MFA in Costume Design at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts.