Chipola PBL Wins Big at State Conference

The Chipola College chapter of Phi Beta Lambda brought home 14 top-four awards from the PBL 2022 State Leadership Conference in Orlando, FL, March 17-20. Seven students attended business sessions, workshops and team building events.
Seven Chipola students competed and brought home 14 Top-four awards, six first place awards, two second place awards, two third place and four fourth place awards.
Winners are: Christopher Brockington of Malone, Fourth in Impromptu Speaking; Melanie Canada of Marianna, Third in Sales Presentation; Angelina Hereld of Blountstown, Fourth in Macroeconomics; Ashley Lytle of Blountstown, First in Future Business Educator, Fourth in Personal Finance; Chad Mayo of Bonifay, First in Client Service, First in Computer Concepts, Fourth in Management Concepts; Cullan Murray of Chipley, First in Financial Services, First in Cost Accounting, Third in Personal Finance; Jeremy Thomason of Vernon, First in Programming Concepts, Second in Computer Concepts, Second in Network Concepts.
Chipola Faculty adviser Glenda Bethel says, “The group that traveled to FSLC was diverse, and I was impressed with how well they worked together. They represented Chipola College well and were excited about this experience.”
Chipola will travel to Chicago, IL, in June to compete at the 2022 PBL National Leadership Conference.