Chipola Building Construction Helps Builds Tiny Homes in Marianna

Chipola Area Habitat for Humanity on Thursday gathered supporters for a ceremonial ribbon-cutting to signal the completing of four tiny homes on Chipola Street in Marianna.
Two are two-bedroom units and two have one bedroom each. They’re situated on four lots that would normally be too small for a home, based on Marianna’s building codes, but the city worked with Habitat to make them work.
This project was unique in several other ways, as well.
It was the first in which Auburn University’s Rural Studio program worked on a project across the state line, the first time that Chipola College allowed its Workforce Development students to participate in a real-world construction project. It also involved a partnership between two financial institutions — Regions Bank and Fannie Mae — that resulted in conventional-style mortgages for the new homeowners.
Representatives of those and other participating partners spoke at the ribbon-cutting Thursday, saying the Chipola Street Development was a model innovative program they expect to see repeated around the country someday.
It was a big day for Habitat Executive Director Carmen Smith and the organization: The team also held its annual meeting around noon at Chipola College.
Deborah Buckhalter, Jackson County Floridan