BSU Black History Month Winners

The Black Student Union would like to thank the following Chipola personnel and students for help with the Black History Month program: Dr. Willie Spires, BSU Advisor; Chris Brockington, BSU President; Kristie Mosley and TRiO members: Ezekial Blount, Kavon Adderson and Amelia Bowers; Chipola PR—Dr. Bryan Craven, Lillie Hamil, Eric Dove and Morgan Roberts and all Chipola employees.
The following made contributions: Gail Mann, Graceville School, ELA teacher; Linda Long, Grand Ridge Middle, SWAT advisor; Captain D’s; Farm Bureau; and the City of Marianna.
2021 Black History Month Essay Winners: Middle School, 1st Place (tie) “If you have two eggs” by Brittany Thomas – Grand Ridge Middle and “From Struggle to Strength” by Joseph Smith IV - Grand Ridge Middle.
High School Essay Contest: 3rd, “A dark line of paint appears on a canvas…” by Rebecca May - Graceville High; 2nd, “African Americans have been treated differently…” by Shannon Hope McCallister - Graceville High and 1st Place “The time is always right to do what is right.” by Bailey Pierson - Graceville High.
Door Prize Winners, George Holland – Graceville High; Christian Lane – Graceville High; Nancy Chabot – Chipola and Atavia Douglas – Graceville High.
BSU members hope to meet in person to fellowship together next year.