Brain Bowl Tournament


Brain Bowl A Team

The Chipola A team narrowly defeated Chipola B to claim the Korray-Shelton Tournament this past weekend.  The tournament was held in Ocala, FL at Central FL College.


Chipola A finished the tournament with an 8-0 record, while Chipola B finished 6-2, losing both games against Chipola A.  The tournament had a small field of only 8 teams this year.


Chipola A team members were:   Brayden Hand, Trace Weaver, and Taylor Munroe

Chipola B team members were:   Trevor Shelton, Travis Wyatt, and Ben Parish

Chipola C team members were:   Meredith Bailey, Kevin Eldridge, and Jack Taylor -Ebersole



Five Chipola players finished in the top 10 in individual scoring:   Brayden Hand(2nd), Ben Parish (5th), Travis Wyatt (7th), Taylor Munroe (8th) and Trevor Shelton (9th).


Link to Stats:


Chipola will play again next weekend at the annual Delta Burke tournament in Orlando. Chipola has won the Delta Burke 9 times.