Nov. 5, 2020
The Jackson Correctional Institution will host a one-day hiring event for Correctional Officers and Trainees, Thursday, Dec. 3.
Following the Thanksgiving Break on Nov. 30, all classes will move to a virtual format.
Chipola College is excited to join forces with the Florida Department of Education.
Registration for the Spring 2021 Semester at Chipola College begins Nov. 9 for currently-enrolled students and Nov. 16 for new students.
Aug. 25, 2020
Chipola College's pool is open with limited access due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Oct. 29, 2020
McLendon Educational Trust Scholarship applications for the Spring 2021 semester are still available.
The Chipola Foundation is accepting applications for four scholarships to be awarded for the Spring 2021 semester which begins in January.
Chipola College is excited to join forces with the Florida Department of Education