Feb. 11, 2021
Both Chipola teams host Northwest Saturday, Feb. 13, and Gulf Coast Wednesday, Feb. 17.
The Chipola softball team (4-7) is ranked number seven in the FCSAA State Poll.
The Chipola baseball team (10-1¬) held onto the number two spot in the FCSAA State Poll for a third week.
Join the hosts of the Tech Garage show—John Gardner and Josh Ellis—at this year's Emerald Coast Cruizin in Panama City.
Students "printed" 3D “Alas, poor Yorick” skulls for Professor Kurt McInnis' Shakespeare for English educators’ course.
The public is invited to a ground-breaking ceremony for the Chipola Street Development on Thursday, Feb. 25, at 11 a.m. CST.
The Chipola College Black Student Union has planned several events to celebrate Black History Month in February.