For the Spring 2025 semester, the scholarship application deadline was Friday, November 1, 2024. The online scholarship application website is now closed for the Spring 2025 semester.
For the upcoming 2025-26 school year there will be more than 150 different scholarship opportunities available, which will result in several hundred scholarship awards. The scholarship list for the 2025-2026 school year will be updated and the scholarship application website will begin accepting Fall 2025 scholarship applications in late March 2025.
Scholarship Application Instructions
Instructions below are for open General Scholarship application periods:
To apply for these scholarships, students will visit the Chipola College Academic Works website and fill out the General Scholarship Application. The majority of the scholarship opportunities offered by the Chipola Foundation are auto-matched through an applicant’s submitted General Application. If an applicant is eligible for additional scholarships that require supplemental information, these will display once the General Application has been submitted. These are identified as Recommended Opportunities.
Chipola Academic Works Website Sign-In Instructions
Students will click on the Chipola Academic Works Website Link on this page and then sign in using the instructions below:
Current Students- You may sign in using the same username and password you use to access myChipola.
New/Prospective Students- Please note that you must have applied to Chipola College prior to applying for scholarships on the Chipola Academic Works website. You will receive your Chipola email address and login credentials at that time.
To apply for admission to Chipola College, please visit the Chipola Admissions Office or their webpage
*CHIPOLA ACADEMIC WORKS WEBSITE LINK*: Our Opportunities - Chipola College Scholarship Opportunities (
To apply for Foundation scholarships on the Chipola Academic Works website, students must have access to a personal computer or cellphone. Students without a personal computer or cell phone can visit the Chipola library to use one of their computers or visit the Foundation Office to use the computer in our student workstation. If a student would like to use the computer in the student workstation at the Foundation Office, please call us at (850) 718-2404 to reserve a time to use the computer. Students who make a reservation to use the computer, should be on time to allow themselves adequate time to complete the application.
Specific application instructions will be on the Chipola Academic Works website, but students who have questions while completing the applications, may click Question and Answer link below to see our help page for guidance. If a student has a question that is not on this list, Foundation staff will be happy to help. Please email or call (850) 718-2404 for assistance.
Scholarships through the Chipola College Foundation are supported by private donations. Donors set the scholarship criteria and scholarship deadlines.
Chipola College is an Equal Access/Equal Opportunity Institution Equal Opportunity & Title IX - Chipola College
Scholarship Recipient Information
If you submitted an online scholarship application for the Spring 2025 semester:
Most scholarship award offer emails were sent in November/early December to the Chipola email address. To accept an offered scholarship award, students must click the weblink in the scholarship offer email they receive in their Chipola email inbox and must then read and agree to the terms of their scholarship offer. For any student who does not accept the scholarship award by the acceptance deadline mentioned in the offer email, the Foundation will consider the scholarship declined and the student will not receive the scholarship funds. If you have difficulty accessing your Chipola email account, please click the following weblink: Student Email FAQs - Chipola College
After accepting the scholarship, students will be asked to complete an online post-acceptance form where they will write a thank you letter to the donor of their scholarship. Once they have accepted the scholarship offer and completed the post-acceptance form, their scholarship funds will be made available to the Chipola Business Office for the purpose of paying toward their tuition and/or books.