
Behavior Management for Exceptional Students

Course Code:

Credit Hours:

Effective beginning:



Course Description:
This course is designed to prepare exceptional student education teachers for the management of exceptional students in the special education K-12 classroom. The emphasis of this course will focus on behavior management, functional behavior assessments and behavior intervention plans, conflict resolution, social skills training, positive behavioral supports, and consultation for inclusive settings.


Course Details


As assigned


Required textbooks/ course materials:

No textbook or course materials are required to purchase for this course.

Appropriate dress for field experience: black or khaki slacks and School of Education polo (Polos are available in the campus bookstore.)



Assignment/course outline:

See your Instructor First Day Handout for individual instructor assignment schedule.


Discipline-level learning outcomes:

E – 1   Designs and plans effective instructional lessons.

E – 2   Maintains a student-centered learning environment that is safe, organized, equitable, flexible, inclusive and collaborative.

E – 3   Delivers and facilitates effective instruction.

E – 4   Analyzes and applies data from multiple assessments to diagnose learning needs and inform instruction.

E – 5   Designs purposeful professional goals for continuous improvement to strengthen instructional effectiveness and impact student learning.

E – 6   Practices professional responsibility and ethical conduct and fulfills expected obligations to students, the public, and the education profession.


Course-level learning outcomes:

Course-level student learning outcomesDiscipline-level learning outcomesAssessment methods

Identify state and federal laws and ethical principles that influence and impact behavior management.

Identify and employ strategies to create safe and healthy academic learning environments.

Conduct functional behavioral assessments on a student and utilize the information to develop a behavioral intervention plan.

Identify positive behavior supports and how to apply these practices to effective collaboration with students, parents, support staff, faculty, and administration.

Identify methods and protocol for dealing with crisis situations.

Complete a behavior change project to target a specific behavior problem of a student he/she is working with in the school setting.

Identify and develop a contingency contract for a student.

Complete research on a specific disorder and prepare a formal presentation on the findings to the class.

Develop a data sheet to monitor and assess student behavior with focus on intensity, frequency, and duration.

Participate in weekly class discussions about case studies, current trends, and issues involving students with emotional and behavioral disabilities.

E-5, E-6

E-1, E-2, E-3



E-1, E-2, E-3

E-1, E-2, E-3, E-4


E-1, E-2





Task CC9A

Task CC9A

Task CC9A

Task CC9A

Research Paper, Presentation/Report, Class Participation, Skills Demonstration 


Means of accomplishing learning outcomes:

The primary methods of instruction include class discussions, experiential learning opportunities, interactive lecture, and assigned readings. Learning strategies may include case studies, questioning, practicums, small group discussions, demonstrations, and presentations. Active student participation is expected.  Additionally, students are expected to complete assigned projects by the assigned due dates.


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