Student Center, Cafeteria & Bookstore
Student Center

The Student Center Building (K) contains the Cafeteria and the Office of Student Activities/SGA.

Special groups who wish to use areas of the Student Center must schedule with the Student Activities Coordinator.

The Student Center is subject to much use, and the cooperation of everyone is necessary in keeping it neat and attractive.

The following rules are in effect:

  1. Trash should be deposited in appropriate containers.
  2. Excessive noise or disorderly behavior will not be tolerated.
College Cafeteria

The college cafeteria operates in conjunction with Sodexo School Food Service. The cafeteria operates during the fall and spring semesters offering breakfast and lunch selections. Summer hours and meal offerings are based on student demand. The cafeteria is located in the Student Center. Vending machines are located in most buildings on campus.


Chipola Cafe Hours
Grill is open Monday - Thursday until 1:15 pm
Breakfast Hours 7 am- 9:30 am
Lunch Hours 9:45 am - 1:30 pm
Cafe Closes 1:30 pm

 Cafeteria Food Court Menu 2024-2025

College Bookstore

The Bookstore is located in Building WD.

Refund Policy: New and Used Books

Students may return any purchased textbook(s) and receive a refund providing the following conditions are met:

  1. Students must present the cash register receipt when books are returned. A receipt will be given when books are purchased. It is the responsibility of the student to keep it.
  2. Books purchased prior to the beginning of the fall or spring semester must be returned no later than the tenth class day (14 calendar days) into the current semester, and the fourth class day into the summer terms.
  3. A student ID and the student’s official drop/add form must be presented at time of refund request.
  4. To receive a 100% refund, all new books must be clean and in absolutely new condition when returned. Students should not remove any plastic covering or “shrink wrap” from books nor should they write in or make any notations within the books until they are absolutely positive they will keep the purchase.
  5. A 75% refund will be given to students who return new books if the plastic covering or “shrink wrap” has been removed, or if the books have been written in or are not clean and in absolutely new condition.
  6. A 100% refund will be given to students who return used books, with register receipt, no later than the tenth class day (14 calendar days) into the fall or spring semester, and the fourth class day into the summer terms if those books are in the same condition as when purchased.
  7. Books purchased after the tenth class day (14 calendar days) into the fall or spring semester, and the fourth class day into the summer terms, must be returned within three days from date of cash register receipt or with proof of schedule change. Books must be in original condition to receive 100% refund of purchase price.

Defective Books

If a student purchases a new textbook and it is found to be defective, it should be returned to the bookstore immediately. It will be replaced at no charge.

If a student purchases a used textbook and it is found to be defective, it should be returned to the bookstore immediately. It will be replaced with another used book, if one is available. If no used books are available, a new textbook will be offered to the student; however, the student must pay the difference between the cost of the used textbook and the cost of the new textbook.

Cancelled Classes

If Chipola College cancels a class, the refund policies outlined above apply to the return of textbooks purchased for that class.