Services for Students
Office of Students with Disabilities

Chipola College is committed to making all programs and facilities accessible. Chipola’s goal is for students to obtain maximum benefit from their educational experience and to effectively transition into the college environment.

Students who have disabilities are requested to voluntarily contact the Office of Students with Disabilities located in A-114. Students must identify themselves and provide appropriate documentation which will be used to determine eligibility for reasonable accommodations. Documentation should be provided by a medical doctor, a psychologist or by other licensed or certified specialists recognized to treat the specific disability. Official documentation information can be no more than three years old. To ensure timely accommodations, students should request services prior to the beginning of classes for each semester. Accommodations, such as note takers, tutors, interpreters, extended testing time, and individualized pre-registration assistance are available. Specialized equipment such as digital voice, audio books, and wheelchair desks are also available.

The Board of Trustees of Chipola College has established policies and procedures for reasonable substitutions for eligible students to meet admission and graduation requirements.

The college campus is accessible and special parking is available. For information and assistance, students should contact the Office of Students with Disabilities located in Building A-114, (850) 718-2290.

Note: The college does not provide personal attendant care or transportation.

Students with disabilities who are admitted to a state college or university, community college, or a postsecondary vocational institution are eligible for reasonable substitution for any graduation requirement, or requirements for admission into a program of study or upper division where such a substitution does not significantly alter the nature of the program (FS 1007.264-265). Students, who request a substitution and/or waiver of any admission or graduation requirement, must initiate a request with the Students with Disabilities Advisor. Appropriate required documentation must be on file.

Mental Health Symposium

The Mental Health Symposium is a student production under the supervision and guidance of the Social and Behavioral Sciences faculty. This event is open to all Chipola students, faculty, staff and the general public.

Mental illness affects 20% of our population and therefore is a major public health issue for our nation and worldwide. In fact, community issues require community-wide solutions. Moreover, it is imperative that mental health discussion in public forums be conducted in a attempt to eradicate the stigma associated with mental illness and develop solutions to meet the needs of our community.

Take Stock in Children

Take Stock in Children is a non-profit organization in Florida that provides higher education opportunities for deserving youth who meet income eligibility requirements. Take Stock services continue through high school and include the transition into college. TSIC Chipola serves Calhoun, Holmes, Jackson, Liberty, and Washington Counties. Take Stock Scholars must maintain a 2.5 GPA in high school, attend school regularly, and remain drug/crime free. TSIC offers two-year scholarships to Chipola and a volunteer mentor. The program is based on the principle that given extensive support, motivation and accountability, children will graduate from high school and attain a college degree or vocational training. The goal of TSIC is to reduce the number of high school drop-outs and to increase the number of students who finish college/vocational training and enter the workforce. For information, call (850)718-2428 or visit

TRiO Program

Student Support Services

Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally-funded TRiO Program under the U.S. Department of Education that aids students in graduating from college. Program participants must meet certain requirements set forth by the Department of Education. Student Support Services at Chipola College is committed to providing intensive, supportive, and proactive services that prepare students for a rigorous educational pursuit.

SSS staff focus its attention on preparing students to graduate and transfer to a four-year college and/or university. Therefore, the Student Support Services staff take a holistic approach to ensure that its participants engage in a multifaceted experiences during their first two years of college. For additional information, contact the SSS office at (850) 718-2431.

Career Pathways

The purpose of the Career Pathways Program is to broaden the educational, career, and economic opportunities of all students in the Chipola district. This approach combines academic learning in the classroom with hands-on learning through a technical program, a work site, or in a simulated work setting.

The Career Pathways program also promotes a system of connecting activities that link Chipola College, Washington-Holmes Technical Center, civic and business partners, and the high schools in our five-county area through developed programs of study.

The knowledge of Career Pathways students is enhanced with information on Bright Futures Scholarships, academic planning for the world of work or for post-secondary education, focus on the future, four + two year academic pathways, preparation for post-secondary programs, and opportunities for dual enrollment.

Meta-Major Academic Pathway

Pursuant to Rule 6A-14.065, F.A.C., Chipola College includes meta-major academic pathways as part of their comprehensive advising plan.