College Credit Certificate Programs

Child Care Center Management Specialization - Program Code 5297
For every 20 children in a licensed child care facility, there must be one worker with a Florida Child Care Professional Credential (FCCPC), formerly known as CDA, or a credential that is equivalent to or greater than the FCCPC.

To receive the approved Children and Family Services FCCPC you must complete four child care training courses. The courses may be taken for academic college credit (3 credits each).

CHD 1220 Child Growth and Development
CHD 2432 Curriculum for Young Children
CHD 1430 Observing and Recording Child Behavior
CHD 1941 Early Childhood Internship
CHD 2322 Programs for Young Children (Elective)
CHD 2800 Childcare Education Administrative Overiew (Elective)


Computer Information Technology Certificates

IT Support Specialist - Program Code 5245
This program prepares students for entry-level positions as microcomputer support specialists. Content includes topics and skills emphasized in various industry certifications including the CompTIA A+, Security+, and Network+ as well as various Microsoft network certifications. Students holding valid current IT industry certifications should contact a departmental advisor about credit that may be awarded for selected courses based on such certifications.

This academic plan is set up for fall initial enrollment. Students in this program must work closely with a departmental advisor for proper course sequencing. Students who need to complete developmental reading, math, and/or writing courses, or who plan to enter during spring or summer or attend part-time should contact a departmental advisor about recommended sequence.

All coursework in this program can be counted toward the AS degree in Computer Information Technology from Chipola College. Students who plan to pursue an AS or AA degree will need additional credit hours. Students can complete general education requirements concurrently while completing the courses in this program.

CGS 1100 Microcomputer Applications
CTS 1110 Microcomputer Operating Systems
CTS 1120 Introduction to Network Security
CTS 1131 Intro to Microcomputer Maintenance and Repair
CTS 1155 IT User Support
CTS 1163 Microsoft Desktop Systems Configuration
CTS 1390 Introduction to LAN and Server Management
CTS 1650 Introduction to Networking and Communications
CTS 2156 Desktop Support

Network Systems Technology Certificates

Digital Forensics - Program Code 5242
This program prepares students for entry-level positions as digital forensic technicians. Content includes topics and skills emphasized in various industry certifications including the CompTIA A+, Security+, and Network+ as well as various Microsoft network certifications. Students holding valid current IT industry certifications should contact a departmental advisor about credit that may be awarded for selected courses based on such certifications.

This academic plan is set up for fall initial enrollment. Students in this program must work closely with a departmental advisor for proper course sequencing. Students who need to complete developmental reading, math, and/or writing courses, or who plan to enter during spring or summer or attend part-time should contact a departmental advisor about recommended sequence.

All coursework in this program can be counted toward the AS degree in Network Systems Technology from Chipola College. Students who plan to pursue an AS or AA degree will need additional credit hours. Students can complete general education requirements concurrently while completing the courses in this program.

CGS 1100 Microcomputer Applications
CIS 2381 Introduction to Digital Forensics
CJL 2130 Criminal Evidence and Procedure
CTS 1110 Microcomputer Operating Systems
CTS 1120 Introduction to Network Security
CTS 1131 Intro to Microcomputer Maintenance and Repair
CTS 1111 Intro to Linux
CTS 1390 Introduction to LAN and Server Management
CTS 1650 Introduction to Networking and Communications
CTS 2127 Advanced Network Security
XXX XXXX Approved Elective

Network Security - Program Code 5246
This program prepares students for entry-level positions as network security personnel. Content includes topics and skills emphasized in various industry certifications including the CompTIA A+, Security+, and Network+ as well as various Microsoft network certifications. Students holding valid current IT industry certifications should contact a departmental advisor about credit that may be awarded for selected courses based on such certifications.

This academic plan is set up for fall initial enrollment. Students in this program must work closely with a departmental advisor for proper course sequencing. Students who need to complete developmental reading, math, and/or writing courses, or who plan to enter during spring or summer or attend part-time should contact a departmental advisor about recommended sequence.

All coursework in this program can be counted toward the AS degree in Network Systems Technology from Chipola College. Students who plan to pursue an AS or AA degree will need additional credit hours. Students can complete general education requirements concurrently while completing the courses in this program.

CIS 1352 Introduction to Server and Network Security
CTS 1110 Microcomputer Operating Systems
CTS 1111 Intro to Linux
CTS 1120 Introduction to Network Security
CTS 1131 Intro to Microcomputer Maintenance and Repair
CTS 1163 Microsoft Desktop Systems Configuration
CTS 1390 Introduction to LAN and Server Management
CTS 1650 Introduction to Networking and Communications
CTS 2127 Advanced Network Security
CTS 2391 Windows Server Administration

Workforce Programs

Advanced Manufacturing: Pneumatics, Hydraulics, and Motors Certification - Program 5270
This certificate program focues on maintenance and operation of various industrial components. The 12 credit hour program requires completion of Engineering Technology Technical Core or permission of the Program Director.

EET 1084C Intro to Electronics w/Lab
ETM 1401C Mechanical Drive Systems
ETM 2315C Hydraulics and Pneumatics
ETS 2511C1 Motors and Controls
1 Prerequisite: EET 1084C

Engineering Tech Support Specialist - Program 5275
This certificate program is part of the Engineering Technology AS degree program. The 18 credit hour technical core has been defined to align with the Manufacturing Skills Standards Council’s (MSSC) skills standards. MSSC skill standards define the knowledge, skills, and performance needed by today’s frontline manufacturing workers.

EET 1084C Introduction to Electronics
ETI 1420 Manufacturing Processes & Materials
ETI 1701 Industrial Safety
ETI 1110 Introduction to Quality Assurance
ETM 1010C Mechanical Measurement & Instrumentation
ETD 1320 Introduction to Auto CAD

Health Science Programs

Certain programs offered by the Health Sciences Department are limited enrollment programs with special requirements.

Due to the unique responsibilities involved in the delivery of health care services, students seeking admission to these programs must meet certain selection and admission criteria. Applicants with the best qualifications will be selected.

Furthermore, these programs have special attendance requirements, grading policies, dress codes and fees.

Curricula for these programs are prescribed by the Department of Education’s Program Standards, Florida EMS Division, and the Florida State Board of Nursing.

Licensure to practice is dependent upon passing a state licensing or certification examination.

Applicants are advised that if they have been arrested or convicted of anything other than a minor traffic violation, the certifying or licensing agency may deny licensing or certification.

Paramedic  - Program Code 5280

The Paramedic program is a limited enrollment, competency- based program.  The program prepares students for the certification examination as a Paramedic in accordance with Florida Statute 401 and Chapter 64j of the Florida Administrative Code. The curriculum encompasses theoretical and simulated learning, clinical, and internship including Capstone experiences following the National Education Standards and is inclusive of the Department of Education Curriculum Framework. EMS students will adhere to standards as listed in the program Emergency Medical Services Handbook that complies with the Department of Health-Bureau of EMS. This program is a forty-two (42) credit hours course that spans three (3) semesters, approximately twelve (12) months. Clinical and internship assignments are required in addition to regular class hours.

Program Accreditation Status. The Chipola College Emergency Medical Services - Paramedic Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs ( upon the recommendation of the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP).

CAAHEP contact information:
25400 US Highway 19 North
Suite 158
Clearwater, FL 33763

CoAEMSP contact information:
8301 Lakeview Parkway
Suite 111-312
Rowlett, TX 75088
P: 214-703-8445
F: 214-703-8992

Prerequisite: Completed Program application, State of Florida EMT License, Basic Life Support for Healthcare Provider certification, Passing scores less than 2 years old on the reading section of the PERT or other state approved entrance exam, or a passing grade of “C” or higher in REA 0019, or ENC 1101. Three letters of recommendation and documented 240 hours of EMS work/volunteer experience. Must have a valid driver’s license and current health insurance. Upon acceptance applicants must complete a background check conducted through Chipola College that will include fingerprinting, alcohol screening, and drug screening.

EMS 2620C Paramedic I
EMS 2621C Paramedic II
EMS 2622C Paramedic III