Students entering the Florida College System under 2021-2022 catalog year and thereafter must demonstrate competency in civic literacy through successful completion of a civic literacy course (AMH2020 or POS2040) AND by achieving a passing score on the Florida Civic Literacy Examination (FCLE). Additionally, students entering the Florida College System in the 2022-2023 catalog year and thereafter, for an Associate in Science (A.S.) or Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S), must also demonstrate competency in civic literacy through successful completion of a civic literacy course (AMH2020 or POS2040) AND by achieving a passing score on the Florida Civic Literacy Examination (FCLE).
It is strongly recommended that the FCLE be taken immediately following the completion of AMH2020 or POS2040. Students who are dual enrolled will take the exam at their high school. Early admit students will schedule an appointment to take it in the Testing Center.
About the Florida Civic Literacy Examination
- Computer based
- 80 questions, multiple choice
- Passing score of 60% (48 correct out of 80 questions)
- Examinee will receive score same day.
- 30-day wait between attempts
- No charge for testing
- Examinees should set aside two hours to complete the exam in the Testing Center.
- Must make an appointment via RegisterBlast
The FCLE covers the knowledge necessary to demonstrate the postsecondary requirement for civic literacy, as outlined in section 1003.4282(3)(d), F.S., as amended by Senate Bill 1108 (2021) The civic literacy competencies and outcomes include:
- Understanding of the basic principles and practices of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government
- An understanding of the United States Constitution and its application
- Knowledge of the founding documents and how they have shaped the nature and functions of our institutions of self-government
- An understanding of landmark Supreme Court cases, landmark legislation, and landmark executive actions, and their impact on law and society.
The Florida Department of Education has provided resources for the FCLE, including:
Policy documents and resources