Graduation Requirements

Chipola College awards three degrees, the Bachelor’s of Science Degree, the Associate in Arts, and the Associate in Science. Certificates are provided in Workforce Development programs.

To be eligible to graduate, students must:

  1. Complete requirements as specified in the program of study from which the student wishes to graduate, as well as satisfy any other applicable state or college requirements.
  2. Satisfy all outstanding obligations, financial or otherwise, to the college.
  3. Complete the Application for Diploma in the the Admissions and Records Office, or you may print a copy from your home computer.
  4. Return the completed application to the Admissions and Records Office by the deadline. Failure to apply by the deadline may affect your graduation term and could result in the delay of your degree and diploma. If applying for more than one degree, submit a separate application for each degree.

Graduation Application for Diploma/Certificate

Final responsibility for all graduation requirements rests with the student. If in doubt about course, program, or college requirements, the student should contact Student Services or program instructor for clarification and guidance. Provided all graduation requirements are completed, degrees and certificates are posted on the last date of the term in which the student applies for graduation.

College Credit students may obtain an Application for Diploma from Admissions and Records. All applications are valid for one semester. If the student does not graduate as indicated, he/she must complete a new Application for Diploma. Students applying for more than one degree will need to submit a separate application for each degree.

Certificate Clock-hour students may obtain an Application for Workforce Development Certificate from their program instructor or the Workforce Development Office.

Graduation Term

Application Deadline

Spring Semester

Feb. 28

Summer Session I

May 23

Summer Session II

June 15

Fall Semester

Oct. 19

Commencement Ceremony

Chipola holds one annual commencement ceremony at the end of each spring semester. Students who graduated in the previous fall semester or will graduate in the spring or upcoming summer terms are encouraged to participate in the graduation ceremony.

Students interested in participating in the Spring Commencement Ceremony must complete and submit an Commencement Ceremony Reservation to the Admissions and Records Office by March 2.