FERPA Violations
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
  • DO NOT post students' papers, scores or grades in a public place on which names, Social Security numbers, or other personal identifiers are displayed.  If posted, use a code known only to you and the student.

  • DO NOT release directory information on a student without checking with the Admissions and Records Office to see whether the information has been flagged for non-release.

  • DO NOT at any time use the entire Social Security Number or any four or more consecutive numbers contained in an individual's social security number in a public posting of grades.

  • DO NOT leave graded tests in a stack for students to pick up by sorting through the papers of all students.

  • DO NOT circulate a printed class list with student name and Social Security Number or grades as an attendance roster.

  • DO NOT discuss the progress of any student with anyone other than the student (including parents) without the consent of the student.

  • DO NOT provide anyone with lists of students enrolled in your classes for any commercial purpose.

  • DO NOT provide anyone with student schedules or assist anyone other than college employees in finding a student on campus.