What is Directory or Public Information?
" . . . information contained in an education record of a student which would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed." (1988 Final Regulations)
Chipola College Directory Information:
- Student’s full name
- Address
- Major field of study
- Degrees and awards received
- Dates of attendance
- Most recent previous school attended
- Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
- Weight and height of members of athletic teams
- Photographs (for College use only)
Directory Information can NEVER include:
- Social security number
- Race
- Ethnicity
- Nationality
- Gender
If you have any questions on what you can or cannot release, check with the Vice President of Student Affairs (x2451), or Admissions and Records (x2362).
Please refer questions about information other than directory information to the Vice President of Student Affairs (x2451), or Admissions and Records (x2362).