Library Policies

The use of computer workstations and technology in the Chipola Library is primarily for academic and research activities. Other activities, such as for entertainment, is secondary and may be restricted when interfering with primary uses. Gaming is not permitted in the Chipola Library.

Circulation Policy

  • Currently enrolled students with current student ID may check out up to 10 items for
    three weeks. Some items are limited to 1 hour or 1 day checkout.
  • Overdue books incur a 25 cent daily fine, audio-visual and reserve materials incur a $1 daily fine.


Computer Use

  • 1.  Members of the Chipola community (students, faculty, & staff) are the primary users of the Library. Members must use their assigned network logins to gain access to the campus computer network. Members must agree to the terms and conditions of CAP #1.2 prior to network use.


Library Rules

  • The library is a place for quiet study. In order to provide an environment conducive to learning and studying, all users are asked to  place all cell phones, beepers, laptops and/or other portable electronic devices in silence mode while at the library.
  • Cell phone conversations must be taken outside the building.
  • The Technology Center is now talk friendly.
  • Group study rooms for 2 or more students are available on the second floor.
  • Food is not allowed in the Library.
  • College Policy No. 6Hx4-2.25 states: "College students may not bring children to class nor the Library, nor leave children unattended on campus. Students are responsible for arranging their child care without involving the college." The library restricts children under the age of 12.  Users under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times if not enrolled in classes.
  • A Chipola College ID is required for checking out material.
  • Books are checked out for a period of 21 days. Books which have already been checked out may be renewed twice. Late fines will be charged for books which are not renewed or not returned after 21 days.  Certain types of books may have a shorter checkout period. Books incur a late fee of $ .25 per day.
  • Books over 30 days late will incur the maximum $10 late fee. Lost materials will incur replacement cost and $10 processing fee for each item.
  • CDs, DVDs and webcams are checked out for varying time periods.  Late fees of $1 per day will be charged for CDs, DVDs and webcams.     
  • Laptop computers may be checked out for a 7 day period. Laptops are not available for semester use. Late fees of $5 per day will be charged for Laptop computers not returned in the 7 day checkout period.  Laptop computers must be returned in good condition, in the original box, with the original power cord.  Damaged or lost equipment will incur replacement costs.
  • As there is a limited supply of laptop computers, you may be placed on a waiting list to be notified as soon as a laptop is returned/reimaged and available for check-out.
  • Journals, magazines, and newspapers are to remain in the library at all times. If you need to remove a journal, magazine, or newspaper article from the library, copy that article and return the journal, magazine, or newspaper to its proper location.
  • Printing fees from the college computers are automatically deducted from your printing account.
  • The Copyright Law that governs the reproduction of library materials including photocopies of books, journals, and magazines or newspapers must be observed at all times. The reproduction of Videotapes, CDs, and DVDs also falls within the bounds of this Copyright Law. This includes the downloading of music from the Internet. The Copyright Law is available at the Circulation Desk for reference. Learn more now.
  • Submit all posters, brochures, and flyers to Library staff for posting on the bulletin boards in the foyer and copy room.
  • Academic work has priority over non-academic computer use.

To review the Collection Development Policy, click here.

For more information, click on the Library Brochure link.