Welcome to Chipola College School of Health Sciences Associate in Science Degree in Nursing (ADN) program. 

The ADN program is 72 credit hours. The program is approved by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) and the Florida Board of Nursing (1964), 4052 Bald Cypress Way, BIN C02, Tallahassee, FL 32399-3252, (850) 245-4444. The ADN program was originally accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) in 2014.

The Associate in Science Nursing program at Chipola College located in Marianna, FL is accredited by the:


Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. (1997)

3390 Peachtree Rd NE, Suite 850, Atlanta, GA 30326

(404) 975-5000

The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners in September, 2023 reported the ADN Program is Accredited. The next site visit is scheduled for Spring, 2027. View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program at search ACEN Accredited Nursing Programs as of the last accreditation visit in 2019.

Chipola College ADN program admits students twice a year (Fall & Spring semesters), see the deadline dates on the ADN Information Packet. Students must use the current nursing application. 

Admission to the nursing program is a selective process. Selection is based on a point system. Points will include but are not limited to the following: TEAS score, successful completion of BSC 2086 and BSC 2086L and MCB 2010 and MCB 2010L, Pre-requisite GPA, Overall GPA, Residence in Calhoun, Holmes, Jackson, Liberty or Washington County, and obtainment of a previous college degree. The satisfaction of minimum requirements does not automatically guarantee admission. When space is limited, preference may be given to students within the community college's assigned district.

Deadline for Selection: All entry requirements, as outlined in the program application packet, must be completed by the appropriate deadlines for the two start dates each year. Please see the corresponding application and information packets for deadlines.

Vaccination Information

Vaccinations are a mandatory requirement for attending clinicals at any hospital. Failure to provide documentation of immunization can prevent students from attending clinical, which will in turn prevent them from progressing in the program. Please see Required Vaccinations for a list of all mandatory vaccinations.

Drug and Alcohol Screening

A clear drug and alcohol screening is required for admission to the nursing program. Please see the ADN Student Handbook regarding policy for this while in the nursing program.

Criminal Background Checks

A criminal background and level two background check are required for admission to the nursing program. Please see the ADN Student Handbook regarding policy for this while in the nursing program.

Approximate Program Costs

For students interested in the Traditional Associate Degree Nursing Program and the costs associated with it, please see Traditional ADN Cost Estimate.

For students who have graduated from Florida Panhandle Technical College and are interested in earning their Nursing degree under the Career Pathway Agreement please see FPTC Career Pathway Cost Estimate for associated costs.

Please remember, these costs are only estimates and are subject to change.

TEAS Testing

The TEAS test must be completed before submitting your application.  You can take the TEAS test at Chipola College in the Testing Center or at any other institution that administers the TEAS test.  

Note: Your TEAS test must be affiliated with a higher education institution like Chipola College. The ADN program will not accept scores from tests that are not proctored by an institution. TEAS tests taken at home online will not be accepted. Priority review will be given to applicants who score 75 or greater on the TEAS.

Substituting Pre-Requisite Courses

Pre-requisite courses cannot be replaced by any other course, unless otherwise noted on the Application and Information Packet. MAC1105 is the only course that can be replaced and it must be with a higher level Math such as STA2023 or MAC1140. BSC2010 and BSC2011 will not be accepted in place of BSC2085.

Please review these Frequently Asked Questions for helpful tips and information regarding the ADN program.

ADN Nursing Student Handbook


Application and Deadline Information

Summer 2025 for LPN Graduates

LPN Graduates from any Florida Technical College: If you graduated from a Florida Technical College within the past three years and have an LPN license, you are eligble to apply to enter the second semester of the ADN program. There is no time limit for FPTC graduates, see information below.

FPTC LPN Graduates - Chipola College and Florida Panhandle Technical College have a Career Pathways Agreement in place allowing FPTC graduates to receive 11 credits toward their first semester as Chipola College ADN students with proof of a valid, unencumbered LPN license. Your LPN license must be attached to the application to be accepted. This does not negate the requirement for the first semester co-requisite courses; BSC 2086C, BSC 2086L must be completed before applying under the Career Pathways Agreement. Admission is twice a year: Spring and Summer. Application deadlines will be posted above with the ADN Application.

The deadline to apply for Summer 2025 is March, 24, 2025. Follow the steps below:

  1. Read the ADN Information Packet for LPNs Summer 2025
  2. Take the Information Session quiz. This must be turned in with the application to be counted
  3. Complete the ADN Application for LPN_SUM25 and return it to Health Sciences, Building Q, Office 211
  4. These forms must be submitted with the ADN application or your application will be rejected:

    1. Student Health Form

    2. Mandatory Immunization Form Note: COVID vaccine/Exemption Form is not required for admission to nursing.

    3. Applicants Acknowledgment

    4. Medical Release Form, must be notarized 

    5. Flu Vaccine Form Note: Influenza vaccine must be from the current flu season.



The deadline to apply for Fall 2025 is May 7, 2025. This application is to be used for both traditional ADN students and students wishing to enter under the agreement with FPTC.  Applications will be considered after the deadline if there are available seats in the upcoming class. The application and all documents must be delivered to Dr. Trilla Mays, Dean of Health Sciences in person or sent by email, by scanning each document. DO NOT take a picture of each page and email it. Your application will be rejected if you send photos instead of a scanned document.

ADN Information Packet Fall 2025

ADN Application Fall 2025

These forms must be submitted with the ADN application or your application will be rejected:

1. Student Health Form

2. Mandatory Immunization Form Note: COVID vaccine/Exemption Form is not required for admission to nursing.

3. Applicants Acknowledgment

4. Medical Release Form, must be notarized 

5. Flu Vaccine Form Note: Influenza vaccine must be from the current flu season.


ADN Program Outcomes

Program Completion Rates with Expected Level of Acheivement

Fifty percent of the ADN students who begin NUR 1020 will complete the program on time, which is four semesters.

Academic Year/Semester Completion Rate
2022-2023 76.61%
2021-2022 63.27%
2020-2021 53.6%


NCLEX Pass Rates with Expected Level Of Achievement

The NCLEX pass rate will be 80% or higher for first-time test takers and repeaters. 

1/1/2024 - 12/31/2024

December 2023 and May 2024 Graduating Cohorts

Number Tested Passed First Attempt Passed on Repeated Attempts Total Passed
44 42 2 44
Pass Rate 95.45% 5% 100%


1/1/2023 - 12/31/2023

December 2022 and May 2023 Graduating Cohorts

Number Tested Passed First Attempt Passed on Repeated Attempts Total Passed
39 33 6 39
Pass Rate 86.62% 15.38% 100%


1/1/2022 - 12/31/2022

Decemmber 2021 and May 2022 Graduating Cohorts

Number Tested Passed First Attempt Passed on Repeated Attempts Total Passed
53 37 11 48
Pass Rate 69.81% 20.75% 90.57%
Jan. 1, 2021 - Dec. 31, 2021
Number Tested Passed First Attempt Passed on Repeated Attempts Total Passed
50 32 13 45
Pass Rate 64% 26% 90%


Job Placement Rates with Expected Level of Achievement

Eighty percent of graduates will be employed as an RN within 12 months of graduation.

Academic Year Job Placement Rate
2022-2023 80%
2021-2022 83%
2020-2021 88.9%