Chipola Encourages Students to Complete FAFSA

Current and prospective Chipola College students should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid Application (FAFSA) as soon as possible.
Thursday, July 23, is the deadline to complete the 2020-2021 FAFSA for students planning to use Federal Financial Aid to pay for Fall classes.
Students must complete the FAFSA in order to qualify for Pell, Work Study and other Federal Financial Aid. The FAFSA takes several days to process; therefore, students are encouraged to submit all electronic forms as soon as possible. For information, call 850-718-2366 or visit
Students who would like to use Federal Financial Aid for Summer classes should complete the 2019-20 FAFSA. The college Application for Admission deadline for Summer Session II is June 11. Summer II classes begin June 30.
Application for Admission deadline for the Fall Semester is Aug. 3. The application may be completed online at Fall classes begin Aug. 24.
There are several steps in the application process: (1) complete the college Admission Application or call 718-2311 for assistance; (2) request a final high school transcript be sent to Admission and Records Office (email; and (3) take the PERT test (non-exempt students); call 718-2284 for assistance.
Chipola offers Bachelor’s Degrees, Associate in Arts Degrees, Associate in Science Degrees and Workforce Development programs and certifications.
The schedule of classes is available online. Answers to Frequently Asked Questions are available at