Florida Caverns Offers Chipola Park Memberships
Chipola College has joined with the Florida Caverns State Park to offer discounted annual memberships to students and employees that include admission to the park.
The following levels are available: Chipola students--$5—one pass; Chipola employee (individual)—$15—4 passes; Chipola family—$20—8 passes; Chipola patron—$50—10 passes; and Corporate—$100—12 passes.
Proceeds from memberships will be used for reforestation, equipment repair and purchase of education kiosks.
Chipola students in science classes visit the Caverns each semester, and guest speakers from the Caverns regularly make presentations on the Chipola campus.
For information, or to join, contact Chipola Science Professor Santine Cuccio at 850-718-2397.