The institution identifies, evaluates, and publishes goals and outcomes for student achievement appropriate to the institution’s mission, the nature of the students it serves, and the kinds of programs offered. The institution uses multiple measures to document student success.
The institution identifies expected outcomes, assesses the extent to which it achieves these outcomes, and provides evidence of seeking improvement based on analysis of the results in…student learning outcomes for collegiate-level general education competencies of its undergraduate degree programs…
College-Level Competency: Evaluate societal and ethical issues, problems, and values
Discipline-Level Student Learning Outcomes:
- SBS-1 - Identify research methodologies used in social and behavioral sciences to study social trends and human behavior
- SBS-2 - Identify global influences on behavioral, historical, social, and economical phenomenon
- SBS-3 - Identify differences and commonalities within cultures
College-Level Competency: Explore the nature of science
Discipline-Level Student Learning Outcomes:
- NS-1 – Recognize appropriate scientific terminology
- NS-2 – Apply scientific principles or concepts
- NS-3 – Solve real-world problems using scientific knowledge
College-Level Competency: Demonstrate basic mathematical skills and knowledge
Discipline-Level Student Learning Outcomes:
- M-1 – Solve mathematical problems using arithmetic, algebraic, or geometric skills
- M-2 – Translate basic mathematical information verbally, numerically, graphically, or symbolically
- M-3 – Solve mathematical problems using appropriate technology
- M-4 – Interpret mathematical models such as formulas, graphs, tables, or schematics
- M-5 – Solve contextual problems using mathematical processes
College-Level Competency: Comprehend and articulate effectively in English: reading, writing, oral communication
Discipline-Level Student Learning Outcomes:
- C-1 – Communicate effectively in various rhetorical modes
- C-2 – Evaluate ideas using critical thinking
- C-3 – Demonstrate appropriate documentation techniques through various assignments
- C-4 – Analyze human experiences through reading and writing
- C-5 – Demonstrate the effective use of the conventions of Standard American English
College-Level Competency: Interpret, evaluate, and appreciate works of human culture
Discipline-Level Student Learning Outcomes:
- H-1 – Compare works of the humanities (art, philosophy, architecture, literature, film, and/or music) in various cultures or literary movements
- H-2 – Analyze artistic expressions (art, philosophy, architecture, literature, film, and/or music)
- H-3 – Communicate informed responses to works of the humanities (art, philosophy, architecture, literature, film, and/or music)
- H-4 – Explain thematic connections among works of the humanities (art, philosophy, architecture, literature, film, and/or music)